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About me!

I'm Basher and I play video games but mainly retro games. I've made this website originally as a website dedicated to DOOM and it was also because I was introduced to Neocities randomly from YouTube videos online. In November, I rebranded the website from Basher's Doomsite to just basher simply because I wanted to push out more stuff instead of the main focus just being about DOOM and DOOM Wads. To be fair, I still like DOOM and I come back to it just in case if I was bored and just want to get fun for myself before getting back into my usual routine. There are other games I like than just DOOM, the list below..

My favorite video games

Here's my favorite games I like to play when I'm bored..

  • DOOM (1993)
  • Final DOOM
  • DOOM 64
  • Quake
  • Quake Live
  • Duke Nukem 3D
  • Half-Life
  • Team Fortress 2
  • Garry's Mod
  • Blood
  • Shadow Warrior
  • Counter-Strike
  • Turok
  • Minecraft
  • Legend of the Chambered
  • Legend of the Chambered 2