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Boombox Now playing: Deep Into The Code - Bobby Prince (DOOM 1993 Soundtrack)


Update changelogs

List of some of the updates that have been released and logged onto the site with their update name, update release date, and version number

June 10, 2024 - (Version 2.3)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, or updated onto the site

  • Added music for Directory, Updates, and Donate
  • Added new music in the files
  • Added new games to my favorite games list
  • Changed the directory for the game posters from /assets to /assets/game_posters

Enjoy what's new in this update!

June 7, 2024 - (Version 2.2)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, or updated onto the site

  • Revamped website layout
  • Removed update titles because of how unoriginal they were
  • Updated the
  • Added Gallery page
  • Removed Chatbox page

Enjoy what's new in this update!

May 12, 2024 - (Version 2.1)

Hey everyone and Happy Mothers Day from Basher here on the Basher's Doomsite website! It's been so long since last update so today here are some new changes, bug fixes, removals, and new additions of content for the newest and latest website update.

  • Added new WAD, SPIDERBATTLE.wad
  • Changed the News iFrame
  • Hidden some socials to be updated in the future
  • Changed some grammar in the update logs
  • Updated The WAD Directory
  • Changed some button image attributes in order to avoid hotlinking and bandwidth problems
  • Removed the Under Construction header
  • Added sound when hovering over the donate button
  • Added new videos, and game posters to the "Videos about Doom and other Boomer-Shooter games" and "My favorite videogames" sections
  • Changed the main page sections to remove the dot/period symbol in heading sections

Enjoy what's new in this update!

April 23, 2024 - (Version 2.0)

Hey everyone, Basher here! Today's the day, and that day is the release of 2.0 Basher's DOOMSite update. In this 2.0 update, There are new changes, bug fixes, and removal of some things that were in past updates

  • Changed the navigation.
  • Updated the logo to have a reflection on the bottom and added some characters over on the right side.
  • Change website background.
  • Changed some grammar in the update logs.
  • New website trailer, coming soon!
  • Updated the 404 page.

Enjoy what's new in this update!

April 18, 2024 - (Version 1.9)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Fixed bullet points to not duplicate each line for each log on the updates page.
  • Removed the videos page due to it having no use on the website.
  • Updated VENGEFUL public demo 1.1 to 1.2. To in order to download the update, Download it by clicking the "Directory" button on your navigation bar. VENGEFUL's Module name should be updated.
  • VENGEFUL now has a download mirror on ModDB available in the WAD Directory.

Enjoy what's new in this update!

April 14, 2024 - (Version 1.8)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Added new explosion effects when entering any page except some other pages
  • Added the newer version of the new tag whenever a new update, directory module, or video is recently added
  • Released the VENGEFUL 1.1 public demo DOOM/DOOM 2 WAD for Download
  • New download mirror has been added
  • Added RGB CRT Effect

Enjoy what's new in this update! If you seeing changes around the site live and you see something breaking down, that's the websites developer, me, working on fixing and reimproving changes. I recommend you just wait until the updates log gets added with a new changelog.

April 10, 2024 - (Version 1.7)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Removed and replaced some socials
  • Updated the links from all page headers to be reformed into buttons with custom attributes
  • Added new pages; Videos and Support
  • Changed the 404 page to have a new image and some new link options
  • GIFs have been added next to page title headers

Enjoy what's new in this update! If you seeing changes around the site live and you see something breaking down, that's the websites developer, me, working on fixing and reimproving changes. I recommend you just wait until the updates log gets added with a new changelog.

April 3, 2024 - (Version 1.6)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Added new social links
  • The website url,, is now
  • Removed music from the website because it was too annoying when going onto other pages without being interrupted.
  • Reimproved header, footer, and many page changes
  • Donations are now available, click on the top social link (that is a coffee) on the homepage to donate.
  • Reimproved the banner for the header

Enjoy what's new in this update!

March 29, 2024 - (Version 1.5)

Here is the newest thing added, removed, changed, or updated onto the site

  • Changed the website trailer, socials, and announcements to be bunched into one table

That's really all for this update, Sorry if it's not that much.

March 27, 2024 - (Version 1.4)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Changed every link color on every page to yellow
  • Added announcements onto the homepage to remind viewers/vistors about new stuff
  • Changed and removed some things on the header bar
  • Changed some things with the stats counter
  • Added social links

Enjoy what's new in this update!

March 23, 2024 - (Version 1.3)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • Updated some pages to support the centering
  • Changed the logo to have a temporary banner background
  • Changed and removed some things on the header bar
  • Added some heading text on the homepage to celebrate the 1,000 visitors/views milestone
  • Removed some unused images to save up storage space

Enjoy what's new in this update!

March 20, 2024 - (Version 1.2)

Here are the newest things added, removed, changed, and updated onto the site

  • New website trailer
  • New deathmatch map released at the directory (Castle Deathmatch Map for DOOM II)
  • Updated website header and logo
  • Added a live update and vistor counter at the top of the header
  • Changed and fixed some major and small errors
  • Removed and changed the blog into the updates log
  • Added Featured buttons section and some ways to share Basher's DOOMSite!

Enjoy what's new in this update!